Sign our European Citizens' Initiative

Voters Without Borders: End of our campaign

June 11th 2022 marked the end of a year-and-a-half journey of campaigning for, promoting, and supporting European political rights. The Voters Without Borders (VWB) team as well as 8,762 citizens from all EU countries addressed a demand to the EU Institutions through an European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) — the participatory democracy tool of the EU — to reach a real European democracy by reinforcing European citizenship. The demand was for full electoral rights for mobile EU citizens as a way to respect and promote universal suffrage.

We are delighted to share with all of you a video we made to promote our ECI ! 

In this short video our international VWB team explain in their native languages the need to contribute to our initiative and sign the ECI

If you are curious about our members and their background do not hesitate to check ‘Our Team’ – Our promotional video is also available on our social media, if you want to share and support us head over to our accounts (Instagram @voterswithoutborderseci/Twitter @VoterWOBorders)

Upcoming events

Currently, electoral rights are only partials in the EU. In 13 out of the 27 EU Member states, non-EU nationals are not allowed to vote in municipal elections. Non-nationals are not able to vote in national elections, whether they are mobile EU citizens or third-country nationals. We believe that partial electoral rights are an obstacle to participation and democracy, which is why we want to demonstrate that mobile EU citizens and non-EU nationals should be entitled to vote in the Member state in which they reside!

The Voters Without Borders team held a symbolic vote in Paris to raise awareness about the electoral rights of mobile EU citizens and non-EU nationals and to increase visibility for the entire campaign.

We are delighted with the success of our polling station in Place de la République on Friday 22nd of April 2022! A report including the results, pictures and an analysis is now available here.

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Considering that no one should be denied their right to vote, Voters Without Borders decided to file a complaint to the European Commission against those five Member States (Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, and Malta) which deprive their nationals of the right to vote in national elections on account of residence abroad (known as disenfranchisement). A key and crucial part of our complaint is your testimony, as it will give weight to the complaint and prompt the Commission to take action.

We asked that the European Commission act on the following proposals:

Recognise icon


Remove barriers to registration of EU citizens to vote and stand in European and local elections either in their country of residence or origin.


Reaffirm Universal Suffrage as a fundamental right and value. EU citizens should have the right to choose whether to vote in their country of residence or origin for all elections and referenda.

Advocacy Paper


Research the impact of such genuine Europeanization of voting rights, the necessary safeguards, and how they could include third-country nationals.

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EU citizens living and working in another Member State
0 M
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EU citizens support the principle of freedom of movement
0 %
People in the EU feel European
0 %
Increase of young people
The turnout increase among young people between the 2014 and 2019 European Elections​
0 %


Sign our European Citizens' Initiative


During the European
elections, I could not
vote for Slovak
candidates due to lack
of information and
miscommunication from
embassy officials. Public
authorities were not
For the national
elections, I voted by
post but many votes got
lost, miscounted or the
official envelope got
delivered too late.

Sign our European Citizens' Initiative


For the local and
European elections, I
wanted to vote in my
country of residence but
I was not allowed to
vote locally where I am
living in Latvia. In
addition, I do not
receive information
about voting.
The administration simply
says “it is not possible”
as a way not to have to
solve the problem.
Sign our European Citizens' Initiative


I tried to register for
voting this year, I sent
off all the necessary
documents through the
government website. I
received a reply from
my local City Hall that
my proof of address is
not going to be
No explanation why the
EDF bill I provided
with my name, address
and a date from
1 month before wasn’t
good enough.

Sign our European Citizens' Initiative


I’ve been a Spanish
resident since 18 years
now and I pay my taxes
in Spain ever since,
yet I don’t have any say
in what it is spent on
because we’re not allowed
to vote. I own a house,
I run a business here
and I don’t have any possessions in
The Netherlands, yet I am allowed to vote over there.
So yes, it’s about time
we do something
about that.


We are collecting stories from those who have had difficulties and troubles voting in their country of residence or back home during national, European and local elections, as well as referenda! 

Want to support our proposal?

Help our cause

Your donation will enable us to meet our goals and improve electoral rights.

Sign our European Citizens' Initiative

Help us to reach one million signatures and invite four more people to sign!